Graduating in gratitude
PASTOR’S CORNER, Mark Cress, First Southern Baptist Church, Liberal
G.K. Chesterton said, “I would maintain that thanks are the highest form of thought; and that gratitude is happiness doubled by wonder.”
I was talking with a man once who shared a story with me about his neighbor who had gone above and beyond the call of duty to serve him while he was laid up after a surgery. After hearing the story I made a comment about how grateful he must have been to have the help of his neighbor. The man responded to that comment by saying, “Yeah, I probably should have said something to express my gratitude. Oh well, I’m sure he knows my heart”.
Sometimes we say crazy things… “I’m sure he knows my heart”? My wife tells me I’m too literal, but every time I hear someone say that, I can’t help but wonder (sometimes out loud) if the person they’re talking about is a cardiologist. I’m all for believing the best about others, but in all reality, how can anyone really know your heart unless you take the time to express what’s on your heart?