Local volunteers discuss one of the topics presented as part of the recent Wild West KS and OK Area Operation Christmas Child Project Leader Workshop at New Beginnings Church. L&T photo/Robert Pierce


   • Leader & Times


November is nearly here, and soon, homes and communities will feature the sights and sounds of the Christmas season.

For the Samaritan’s Purse project Operation Christmas Child, every day is a holiday, and in early October, local OCC volunteers attended a Project Leader Workshop at Liberal’s New Beginnings Church.

Workshops such as this typically take place in September, but Gia Garey, regional manager of OCC’s Lower Midwest Office, said this year’s event took place a little later to allow her to bring this year’s featured shoebox recipient, Anabel Rosario, formerly of the Dominican Republic, to Liberal.

“I wanted to include her in our Project Leader Workshop,” Garey said.

Garey said workshops are meant to equip, educate and inspire project leaders to lead shoebox packing efforts with churches and groups.

OCC’s National Collection Week is set for Nov. 18-25, and as usual, Garey said the organization is seeking to multiply shoebox gifts to allow more children around the world to hear the gospel. This year’s goal is 12 million children worldwide, and she added recipients will be invited into the discipleship program, “The Greatest Journey.”

“We’re about doing everything we do year after year just so the gospel can multiply and show children all about Jesus,” she said.

Garey said the Oct. 5 Project Leader Workshop went quite well.

“I’m very pleased with the number of project leaders who are here, and I’m hoping they found the contact encouraging and educating and it equips them well for this season,” she said.

Despite the impact of Hurricane Helene on the East Coast, including in North Carolina, where OCC’s headquarters is located, Garey said plans for this year’s collection drive are still looking good.

“We are rallying, and God will provide,” she said. “He’ll work through all of the things, and we fully expect to meet that 12 million goal.”

Even though warm weather still seems to be lingering outside, it is still the middle of autumn, and while it may have been a bit too early for some to start the holidays, Garey said it is never too early for OCC shoebox enthusiasts.

“They know this is about the time of year they start packing shoeboxes,” she said. “They’re hearing from our national social media account that National Collection Week is Nov. 18 through 25, and for them, this is just that normal season of OCC. When they start hearing it publicized with their churches and groups, they start to mobilize and pack shoeboxes. It’s a normal season. They know what’s coming, and they love to pack boxes.”

Garey said those looking to pack shoeboxes for children around the world will need to get boxes from their local churches or groups. A small sampling of these were given out Oct. 5 at New Beginnings, the area dropoff location for OCC.

Garey said those who wish to donate to the drive can either pack regular medium-sized shoeboxes or order shoeboxes through Samaritan’s Purse. Naturally, she is super excited for the upcoming National Collection Week.

“I love this project,” she said. “I love how the Lord shows Himself mighty through this project, and this is God’s project. We do a little work behind the scenes, and He’s the one who makes it all happen. That’s what’s fun to see. It takes all of us on both sides of the shoebox – both domestic and international – to make this happen. We provide the shoebox gift that is the catalytic door opener to the gospel, and our international partners through the local church make the gospel happen and make ‘The Greatest Journey Discipleship’ program happen. That’s how the kingdom is built around the world.”

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