• Leader & Times
The Liberal City Commission will have a busy meeting on its hands this evening starting at 5:30. Tonight’s meeting will be in the commission chambers in the Liberal Recreation Center at 950 S. Grant Ave.
Up first will be discussion of Resolution No. 2415 concerning authorizing financing of solar energy generation improvements.
“At its Feb. 27 meeting, the Liberal City Commission voted unanimously to move forward with the solar energy project and designate $800,000 from the Streets, Drainage, and Other Capital Improvements portion of the 1-Cent Sales Tax to get the project under way,” the agenda information noted. “Resolution No. 2415 authorizes the solar energy public improvements to the Police Department, Recreation Center, Wastewater Treatment Plant, and City Hall and provides for the payment of the costs. It states the City may issue general obligation bonds, when authorized to do so by the City Commission, to finance all or a portion of the public improvements. Resolution No. 2415 also allows for the reimbursement of expenditures made within 60 days of the current date, which would include our project start-up funds cost of $800,000. Staff is requesting consideration to approve the resolution authorizing solar energy generation improvements and providing for the payment of the costs at the Liberal Police Department, Liberal Recreation Center, the Wastewater Treatment Plant, and City Hall.”
Up next will be a request for the purchase of body armor for the Liberal Police Department.
“The Liberal Police Department is requesting funding in the amount of $19,522.50 to purchase body armor for 11 officers,” the agenda information noted. “Staff is recommending the commission approve the purchase of 11 ballistic vests for the Liberal Police Department in an amount not to exceed $20,000 paid through budget funds in the General Fund.”
Up next for the commission will be a pair of requests for equipment purchases for Willow Tree Golf Course.
“A new greens mower was budgeted for Willow Tree Golf Course in 2024 for $54,000. Budgeted funds were insufficient to cover the cost of a new mower due to industry-wide increases in the price of equipment. The purchase of an off-lease Jacobsen Eclipse 322 from Kansas Golf and Turf is being put forward to defray some of the cost. The mower is coming off of a lease at Prairie Dunes Country Club in Hutchinson, and has approximately 1,300 hours on it. This machine is in stock and can be delivered immediately. Both Professional Turf Products (Toro) and Van Wall Equipment (John Deere) were solicited for bids of similar equipment with none being put forth,” the agenda information noted. “Willow Tree staff is requesting an off-lease bunker rake be purchased. Their current machine is a 1998 Toro SandPro with approximately 5,000+ hours on it, and an upgrade is badly needed. Kansas Golf and Turf currently has a Smithco Sand Star IV that is coming off-lease from Prairie Dunes Country Club in Hutchinson with approximately 700 hours on it. Bids for similar machines were solicited from Professional Turf Products (Toro) and Van Wall Equipment (John Deere) with none being put forth. Staff recommends the purchase of the greens mower for a cost of $22,000 and the purchase of the Smithco Sand Star IV at a cost of $20,000.”
The commission will then be discussing the Financial Policies and Procedures Manual.
“The City of Liberal Finance Department has worked over five months to review our existing Purchasing Manual and update it to a more robust Financial Policy that includes an annual calendar for planning purposes, specific fund definitions, important budgetary deadlines, and expectations for department heads and staff members as it pertains to expending monies,” the agenda information noted. “Financial Policies are central to a strategic, long-term approach to financial management. According to the Government Finance Officers Association, the adoption of formal, written financial policies helps governments to: institutionalize good financial management practices; clarify strategic intent for financial management; define boundaries and limits on actions staff may take; support good bond ratings and potentially reduce the cost of borrowing; promote long-term and strategic thinking; manage risks to financial condition; and comply with established public management best practices. We feel the approval of this updated Financial Policy will help move the City forward in a more structured manner and assist with succession planning as new staff members are added and trained on the expectations of our entity. Staff recommends City Commission consideration to approve the Financial Policies & Procedures Manual.”
The commission will also be asked to adopt a Language Access Plan in addition to the Title VI Policy and Limited English Proficiency Plan, and will also hear an update on the city slogan and modified logo. The commission will also be asked to approve a new appointment to the Liberal Memorial Library Board and the discuss a land transfer.
“G&G owns two lots that are not suitable for development due to size and utility easements needed for infrastructure installation,” the agenda information noted. “The city owns four lots that are from the legacy self-help program. The staff is proposing the city trade their usable lots to G&G for the two unusable ones. The city agrees to mow and maintain the lots received and G&G agrees to build homes on the lots transferred from the city.”
To conclude the meeting’s new business, the commission will have a discussion with Animal Control officials.