GUEST COLUMN, J. Basil Dannebohm


I’m an opinion columnist. As such, my commentaries should never be mistaken as sources of unbiased news. At some point, you may have read a disclaimer accompanying my words: “The views, thoughts, and opinions expressed are solely those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the official policy or position of this publication or its affiliates.”

Reporters, on the other hand, are expected to present you with facts and unbiased news. Theirs is a different code of ethics entirely, one that seems to have gone largely by the wayside. Unfortunately, many of them have become propaganda pushers. Last year, I declined interviews with journalists from two of the largest newspapers in the United States and one of the most popular magazines in the nation because I refused to slant my comments in such a manner that would condone their biased narratives. You see, even though I’m an opinion columnist, I’m not a political prostitute.

To be fair, as a reader you have an obligation to think for yourself and endeavor to, in Ronald Reagan’s words, “Trust, but verify.” When I was in school, teachers taught fact checking and critical thinking as independent life skills. A return to that bygone aspect of the curriculum would be a tremendous intellectual service to this nation of sheeple.

That’s not my job, though. Like I said, I’m an opinion columnist. My days of public service are long behind me.

It’s no secret that I didn’t vote for President Trump. Frankly, I don’t agree with very many of his views. Though I’m a former Republican state legislator, I would be labeled a “RINO” by today’s MAGA standards. However, having resolved that the left wing and the right wing are part of the same flightless bird, I’ve been a registered Independent since August 2015. Do I have opinions about both major political parties? Certainly – if I didn’t, I wouldn’t be good at what I do. Am I more loyal to one side than the other? Nope. That’s where I differ from most opinion columnists: I’m absolutely centered.

No, really.

In this age of rampant misinformation, "alternative facts," and bias, there are a growing number of third-party websites that use artificial intelligence to independently collect and analyze articles from various media sources. My website,, was recently audited. I was pleased to receive a perfect 100% center rating, leaning neither to the left nor the right.

While the algorithms and robots consider me perfectly independent, some readers disagree. Those of far left-leaning persuasion tell me that I sound like a Republican and those of far-right leaning persuasion tell me I sound like a Democrat. Artificial Intelligence understands something that many readers do not – the lost art of statesmanship, the ability to listen to arguments from both sides and reach decisions based on principles rather than partisan politics. It’s rare these days.

I’m not a straight ticket voter. I vote based on policies, which is perhaps why it seems like I rarely vote for winning candidates. Nevertheless, I find the notion of voting for somebody based purely on their political affiliation to be intellectually insulting. Moreover, I refuse to degrade myself to the level of livestock being herded into a specific corral by somebody who is trying to prod me in that direction. As renowned sociologist DaShanne Stokes observed, “Blind party loyalty will be our downfall. We must follow the truth wherever it leads.”

But, like I said, that doesn’t sit well with some readers. To be fair, it seems like this approach infuriates the left more than the right. In 2020 I abstained from casting a vote for President. This year I voted for Kamala Harris – but that isn’t good enough for some Democrats. One reader told me he “condemned” me for not totally conforming to the left’s platform. Another told me she couldn’t “respect” me, “not in these times,” she wrote.

The fact remains: I neither vote nor write to support a narrative or coddle feelings. I don’t lose sleep if somebody disagrees with me. Frankly, I renounce this deranged, cultish age which demands that if somebody refuses to conform with the masses totally, that individual should be “cancelled.” I have a backbone, and I’m not afraid to use it.

Thus, I will continue to offer independent perspective and cogent analysis on the subjects that matter to me. My thoughts cannot be bought. If it’s cowardice commentary that a reader desires, I can recommend any number of “news” programs on mainstream media.

ABOUT THE AUTHOR — J. Basil Dannebohm is a writer, speaker, consultant, former legislator and intelligencer. His website is Mr. Dannebohm is a member of the National Society of Newspaper Columnists. He writes from the Washington DC metro in the Commonwealth of Virginia.

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