GUEST COLUMN, Michael Ryan, The Heartlander


Kansas’ U.S. Rep. Sharice Davids is taking money from a funder of some of the groups involved in the anti-Israel protests, according to a report by Fox News.

Davids, who represents the state’s 3rd Congressional District in the Kansas City area, is reported to have accepted campaign contributions from the Pritzker family, described as “heir to the Hyatt Hotel empire.” writes, in a story on the funding of the far-left anti-Jewish protests, that the Pritzkers “founded the Libra Foundation, which funds smaller nonprofits that address criminal justice, environmental and gender justice issues. … Some of the groups funded by Libra have also been involved in protests against Israel’s response to the Oct. 7 attack by Hamas.”

Politico cites as examples of the groups funded by the Pritzkers: the Climate Justice Alliance; Black Organizing for Leadership and Dignity; and the Immigrant Defense Project, which the news outlet writes “was part of a protest in Washington that saw 13 activists arrested by Capitol police after demanding a permanent cease-fire in Gaza.

“The Tides Foundation, funded by the Pritzkers, has also supported the Adalah Justice Project, which has also been part of protests at Columbia University. The group wrote on X, formerly Twitter, that ‘universities are hedge funds, deeply embedded with weapons manufacturers.’ Tides also supports Palestine Legal, a legal defense fund that … offers legal assistance to ‘students mobilizing against genocide.’”

Fox News’ report explicitly mentions Davids among “House Democrats facing tough re-election fights” who’ve accepted contributions from the Pritzkers.

Independent research by The Heartlander shows that, according to the Federal Election Commission, Susan Pritzker gave Davids $2,700 in 2018 and $2,900 in 2022.

The Heartlander asked a Davids spokesperson via email whether the report is true and, if so, how much she has received from the Pritzker family and whether she’ll rebuke or return the money, given the reported ties to the unseemly, unruly and sometimes illegal protests. The Heartlander had yet to hear back as of publication.

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