PASTOR’S CORNER, Chuck Scroggs, Central Christian Church, Liberal


This New Years, let’s start off with sharing love! I woke up listening to one of my favorite preachers. His message was Jesus’ prayer in John 17 that we would all be one in unity and love for each other so the world would know about Jesus through us.     

In my discipline and up bringing in the church, I quickly thought of all the things that divide Christians. How we baptize; sprinkle, immerse or pour. How many times a year do we take communion and how we do it? What worship songs do we sing, and how our worship services are put together? And the list goes on and on. Yet Jesus had only one request of His father when he prayed. It was that even with all the things that could divide us from our teachings to current politics, He wanted us to love each other! He knew those differences were coming, but He also knew that real agape love from God and His Spirit could bring the oneness we needed.

As I have aged, I am full of a lot more grace and love than when I was a young Christian. I hope you are too, because we are going to need each other in the coming days more than ever. You know, the first approximately 300 years of the church they had no Bible! They did have the Jewish scriptures but did not want the Jewish religion. The thing that held them together was not a book but a risen Savior! Even Jesus’ brother James who did not believe in Him changed when he saw Him resurrected!

The New Testament describes these new Christians as men and women that turned the world “UPSIDE DOWN!” Actually, what they did was turn the world right side up!

I know we can’t go back to that time but maybe we could catch the Spirit of that era. To love each other in spite of any differences. To work together for the Glory of the Father instead of our own personal egos.  I practice more than once a month meeting with several of my preacher friends in this city. We Keep Christ at the center of all our efforts and love each other, despite our differences! How we worship and do communion, dims when you see the need in our community. We can do so much more when working as one single fellowship!  I am overwhelmed at times at the number of sick, hungry, and dying folks within Liberal city!   I am grateful for the Stepping Stone Shelter, and Individual churches that are giving out food. Our senior center is helping with rides to doctors appointments and more. Thanksgiving and Christmas baskets are given from local businesses.

On the surface, it’s easy to pat ourselves on the back and say “we are doing a pretty good job,” but every time I am tempted to feel that way I find several who have fallen through the cracks. The next time a local church or fellowship is putting on something for the community SHOW UP! Support them and let them know you appreciate   their efforts! I can think of no better way to start love flowing between us than to support each other. Try it!   IT REALLY WORKS!

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