PASTOR’S CORNER, Chuck Scroggs, Central Christian Church, Liberal

Her name was Shirley, It was unfortunately that time in life when she just couldn’t care for herself any longer. She had enjoyed the grandkids coming over and the joy they brought. Her cookie jar was always full.  A few years ago her husband of 50 years had gone home to be with the Lord.

Shirley was trying hard to hide the work her husband had done and she wasn’t getting done. She hired lawn care and handymen but the cost was more that her meager retirement could handle. But she pressed on. She had a big family: three kids and their numbers totaled 14! three sons-in-law, three daughters and eight grandkids! But they could only visit a few times a year. So the dreaded loneliness began to take its toll.

The house that once rang with children’s laughter and family and friends visiting was quiet now. Shirley sat by the window and had to fight back tears! “Why did I not see this coming? Could I have done anything different to make this time better?” she thought.

But like everyone else, life sneaks up on us, and then others have to rise up to the challenge and help.

During one of the home visits, the children noticed something had to be done, but how do you take someone from the home they have lived and been in for 50 years and convince them to move into a care facility? So the children began meeting together to find answers. They found a place that seemed to answer all their and Shirley’s needs. Now to sell it to Shirley!

A family meeting was planned, and a direction was chosen. They told her of the impossible task of remaining at home. “Could I come and live with some of you?” She ask.” They told her none of their houses were big enough. But at this facility she would have plenty of room, she could take many of her things and decorate her room with them. “There are activities and people your age, AND WE’LL COME AND VISIT YOU OFTEN!” Shirley reluctantly agreed. But what else could she do, since her options were very few.

Well it’s been over a year since Shirley moved into her new home. The children’s promise of visiting often has fallen by the wayside. Jobs have moved some too far away to visit. The one who is closest feels all the responsibility has been dumped on them! (Their words.)  Now Shirley looks around her room and the few things she was allowed to bring with her have lost much of their meaning. Oh how she longs for her kids to come and visit!

She does have one regular visitor, her pastor. He comes regularly and listens to the same story over and again! As best he can, he tries to make his visit as encouraging as possible, knowing one day he will get the call that Shirley has passed and then all the kids will come home to pay their last respects to her memory.

I hope you keep up with your folks in care facilities! And if you have none, Christian friend, go to your local assisted living facility and ask at the desk “Who is the least visited person at this home?” Then go and talk with them and give them the best day they have had in possibly months!

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