LETTER TO THE EDITOR, Tyler, Jeni and Kevin Prater, Liberal
I am writing to shine a positive light on our city golf course, Willow Tree Golf Course. I was raised in Liberal and played on Willow Tree since I was a 13-year-old boy.
I have made many great memories at this course, and I continue to do so today. It’s the one place, more than any other outside of my church and home, where I enjoy special time with my wife and son, other family members, and many friends.
I have appreciated the service of the clubhouse staff led by Chris Ewalt. These guys work hard at serving all the golfers with helpfulness and friendliness.
Our school, Fellowship Baptist Academy, held a tournament at the course earlier this summer, and it was successful largely because the course staff was so helpful.
I also appreciate the course’s greenskeeper and his crew. The course has seen some huge improvements this year that have enhanced the playing experience. Thank you to our city manager and commissioners for prioritizing and resourcing our course so the staff can continue to provide a great experience at a price that is affordable and fair.
Please keep doing this. We notice and appreciate it.
I could say so much more about the positive direction I see us heading in inside our community in more areas than just Willow Tree. I see a lot of positive momentum and leadership that excites me. However, I wanted to start by shedding a positive light on a place that provides lasting memories and enhances my family’s quality of life.
I would challenge every citizen to consider something they really enjoy in our community and take some time to say “thank you” to those who make it possible. We aren’t entitled to these amenities; we’re blessed with them.
From a family that loves Liberal and enjoys our golf course, Tyler, Jeni, and Kevin Prater.