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Those interested in ornithology will soon have the perfect opportunity to share that with others.

There will be a birding presentation and nature walk for the community Saturday, July 6 at Arkalon Park. The event will start at 9 a.m. with a presentation from Audubon of Kansas Director Dr. Jackie Augustine, followed by a nature walk at 9:30 a.m. Participants will meet at the bird sanctuary lo in the park’s campground area.

“During the introduction, I’ll be talking about how to identify birds by sight and/or sound, how to use the binoculars, the different types of birdwatching, and some other similar topics,” Augustine said. “Then during the walk, we’re just going to go around and see what all we’ll be able to see. What inspired this event is Audubon of Kansas is getting backpacks into libraries in Southwest Kansas, so we’ve been doing programming throughout that area to highlight that program. These adventure packs contain binoculars, field guides to butterflies and birds of Kansas and where to find them. I was getting the map together for Seward County and I discovered Arkalon Park and was hoping a reason to come out and visit there. This event is set up to highlight the park, the birds in the park, and the local resources that could help people connect with nature.”

Augustine said she hopes to see a big turnout and offered encouragement for participation.

“Going birdwatching with someone who knows how to identify animals and point them out is always really neat, and there’s a good chance you’ll see something you’ve never seen before,” she said. “Even if you’re a more seasoned birdwatcher, you might learn a new species or some new information you’ll be able to share with others who are also interested. Anyone wanting to participate just needs to show up, and it should be an interesting time for everyone.”

Augustine added she is excited for the event.

“It’ll be exciting to see the park and see everything there. There are so many different habitats out there, so I think we’ll end up with a pretty good bird list,” Augustine said. “There’s just so much to see, and I feel like with the way that park is set up, it’ll attract a really wide variety of birds. I’m really excited to see whatever birds we’ll ultimately come across, and I’m really looking forward to sharing that with others. I’m also excited to get to know more people in Southwest Kansas and meet them.”

Even though the event is mostly for fun, Augustine said she also hopes people learn some new information along the way.

“I’m hoping everyone will learn about how to identify birds and some interesting facts about the birds they do end up coming across,” Augustine said. “I also hope everyone will take a renewed interest in the nature around them and share that interest with others. I love all the different habitats throughout the state, each area is just so unique with its own features and everything else, so I’m excited to see if I come across something new in that area. Wild areas are changing so much, and I like learning more about how people are interacting with their environment and connecting with what’s around them. Birdwatching is as much about the people you’re with as it is about the birds you come across.”

Augustine herself has been a birdwatcher for several years, and she said she has enjoyed every moment.

“I was in a birdwatching class in college, and I distinctly remember one day when we went to multiple places and I came across a sparrow, and it was something really new and neat to me,” Augustine said. “Later that afternoon, I went back to my dorm room and there’s another sparrow sitting and singing right outside my window. I discovered birds in my own backyard I didn’t even realize were there, and that got me hooked. I’ve been birdwatching for 25 years now, and what keeps me going is I just love watching the birds and observing their behavior(s) and listening to how they sing and communicate and see how they make their nests and all of that. I also like going to new areas and discovering birds I didn’t know were there originally – it seems like every time I go birdwatching, I come across something new and/or unexpected, and that’s always really fun.”

Augustine added she is always more than happy to share her birdwatching expertise with others.

“We were awarded a Chickadee Checkoff Grant to put the adventure packs in the libraries throughout Kansas and do these presentations, and we’re starting to run low on those funds, so I would be happy to meet with any groups or entities that would want to hear from me,” Augustine said. “I talk to church groups, Rotary Club chapters, community service groups, nature groups, anyone who’d want to hear from me, and they would just need to get in touch with me if that’s something they would want.”

Overall, Augustine said, she hopes the event will be a good time for everyone.

“If people are planning to come, they should definitely be prepared to spend time outside, so they should be wearing good, strong shoes, appropriate clothing for the weather, and I also highly recommend wearing sunscreen or bringing a hat,” Augustine said. “And since we’ll be outdoors, that also means we’ll probably be coming across insects, so bug spray would also be good to bring along. And if you have your own binoculars, bring them along. And there will also be some prizes given out that day, so you might go home with a little something extra!”

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